• Welcome to Care packages for Ukraine

    "A care package for those in need"

  • Welcome to Care packages for Ukraine

    "A care package for those in need"

About us

Our mission is to collect and redistribute items of need to the homeless and refugees who are situated in Kiev, Ukraine. In order to accomplish this goal, we will be fundraising, accepting donations, and doing clothes drives to get materials. We will be working closely with volunteers in Ukraine who are willing to help us complete our goal.

We researched many shelters and orphanages in Ukraine, and determined that the Florovsky monastery is the optimal place to send our shipments of clothes, kitchen items, and toys. Thousands of refugees either live in this monastery, or frequently go there to obtain food, clothing, toiletries, toys, or other goods which their family needs.

Why we do it

The conflict in eastern Ukraine is still ongoing; the United Nations reports that over the past two years this strife has claimed more than 9,000 lives and has created more than 2,000,000 refugees. An estimated 800,000 people are living in difficult and dangerous conditions on both sides of the frontline. With the first snow and freezing temperatures, the delivery of winter aid to these remote communities becomes crucial. Unfortunately, these IDC’s (Internally Displaced Citizens) cannot expect any help from the Ukrainian government amidst its own political struggles. The fate of these refugees lies on the shoulders of charitable organizations and volunteers like ourselves. These refugees are discriminated upon and have a much worse time trying to find employment.

What we do

We collect clothing, toiletries, toys, and other goods through various fundraisers, donations, and drives. These goods are packaged into large boxes, and shipped directly to the Florovsky monastery in Kiev, Ukraine. Our goods are collected from local schools, organizations, and churches. One of our premier partners is the Hope for the Homeless club at Simsbury High School in Simsbury, Connecticut.

What we have done

  • Package #1 was 49lbs, contained pants, shirts, skirts, coats, shoes, children's clothing, and dinner ware. It was sent 07/19/16

  • Package #2 was 54lbs, contained pants, shirts, sweaters, skirts, coats, shoes, children's clothing, and house hold items. It was sent 07/19/16

  • Package #3 was 70lbs, contained pants, shirts, sweaters, coats, shoes, children's clothing, and house hold items. It was sent 10/18/16

  • Package #4 was 35lbs, contained shirts, sweaters, shoes, children's clothing, and house hold items. It was sent 05/30/17

  • Package #5 was 70lbs, contained pants, shirts, sweaters, coats, shoes, and house hold items. It was sent 05/30/17

  • Package #6 was 76lbs, contained coats, boots, shoes, hats, dresses, and belts. It was sent 12/26/17

  • Package #7 was 56lbs, contained toys, socks, shirts, gloves, and winter coats. It was sent 12/26/17
  • Florovsky monastery

    This monastery acts as a sanctuary for people in need. Refugees and homeless can reside here and collect items such as the ones listed on the right, and bring them to their families. Click the photo of the monastery to find out more!

    Items desired the most are:

    Clothes, bedding, kitchen items, toys, and more!